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History Undergrads Make Their Mark P O W E R P R I Z E F O R O U T S TA N D I N G G R A D U AT I N G S E N I O R The Department of History congratulates two members of the class of 2017, Kelsie Haakenson and Isabel Martin, for being awarded the Power Prize for Outstanding Graduating Senior. Haakenson, a double major in history and computer science with a minor in French, completed her Honors in History thesis on the political uses of World War II memory in French debates over the Algerian War. Her Honors in History faculty mentor, Professor Ray Jonas, described the thesis as "rich both in sources and in analysis, a combination that one might expect to encounter in an advanced graduate research seminar or even a professional conference. Her work is that good." The university also selected Haakenson as one of the 2017 Husky 100, an honor for students "who are making the most of their time at the UW." Isabel Martin, a double major in history and drama, also researched and wrote an impressive Honors in History thesis. Her work analyzed the cultural significance of Blackwork embroidery on undergarments during the Tudor period in England. Dr. Charity Urbanski, Martin's research mentor, commented that Martin "required minimal oversight, and is one of those rare, self-directed students who possess a clear sense of their own research interests and an exceptional level of personal accountability." Martin was also the department's nominee to be the College of Arts and Sciences banner carrier at commencement. B R E N D A N M C G O V E R N N A M E D D E A N ' S M E D A L I S T A N D B O N D E R M A N F E L L O W Congratulations to Brendan McGovern, a 2017 double major in music (jazz studies) and history, for being named both a Dean's Medalist and a Bonderman Fellow. McGovern is one of only four graduating seniors to be awarded the Dean's Medal, the highest honor in the College of Arts and Sciences. A past winner of the Department of History's York-Mason Prize for his research project "From the Club to the Classroom: A History of Inequality in Seattle Jazz Education," McGovern, with support from the Bonderman Fellowship, will spend the next year traveling to the Caribbean, South America, West Africa, and Southeast Asia with the goal of investigating connections between music and social change. BRENDAN MCGOVERN KELSIE HA AKENSON (AT LEFT) AND ISABEL MARTIN, RECIPIENTS OF THE 2017 POWER PRIZE FOR OUTSTANDING GRADUATING SENIOR D E P A R T M E N T O F H I S T O R Y 3 history matters